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Podcast series on how data flows

As an outcome of the project on cross-border data flows, Luiza Brandão hosts a podcast series on some of their aspects: structure, transport, application and content, and regulation.

To address some of issues about cross-border data, the podcast "How data flows" features four episodes: 1. Sructure; 2. Transport; 3. Application and content; and 4. Regulation. 

The podcast series "How data flows"

With more data and information flowing around the world trough the internet networking, it has become more important than ever to comprehend how it works, what are the important elements, protocols, and standards that enable it, and its technical and policy complexities.

Each episode brings together the components of different layers that are involved on the cross-border data flow, some of their challenges, as well as their interrelation to the functioning of many of the digital technologies that rely on the flow of data beyond borders. It aims to offer information about these subjects, create awareness, and estimulate more study and dialogue about them. It has, therefeore, no intention to address every single detail or be compreenhensive about its subjects. Ultimately, it is an invitation for further discussions and researches in the field of cross-border data flows.

The series in available at different players:





The podcast is part of a project supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through the Program "German Chancellor Fellowship 2022-2023", and hosted by the German Informatics Society. 

All opinions and comments belong to the author, Luiza Brandão, and do not relate to any of the institutions.

Audio-edition and ID-design: Felipe Duarte

Luiza Brandão

Luiza ist Juristin, hält ein Master of Laws Degree (LL.M.) und ist Forscherin für das Projekt „Follow the Flow: Impacts of Regulation for Cross-border Data in Brazil and Germany“, mit dem Ziel, den disziplinären Dialog über Datenflüsse zu erweitern. Das Projekt wird von der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung finanziert und ist bei der Gesellschaft für Informatik angesiedelt.