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Green Coding at the EnviroInfo 2022

For the first time, this year’s EnviroInfo included a workshop on the subject of Green Coding, which was well received among the scientific community.

Topics included the resource efficiency of apps and AI solutions with a specific focus on data economy, since ultimately every bit has to be transmitted, processed and displayed and thus contributes to energy consumption. During the workshop, it became clear that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to green coding. Each procedure depends on the system architecture, server architecture, programming languages and the specific application scenario. A highlight was the contribution of Florian Kleinert, who took second place in the Student Prize with his bachelor thesis on "Energy Efficiency in Web Development Investigation of the Power Consumption of a Web Application with Different Load Distribution". Another award went to KDE Okular, which is the first company to receive the Blue Angle Certificate for resource- and energy-efficient software products.

The project partners Achim Guldner (Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld), Prof. Dr. Stefan Naumann (Environmental Campus Birkenfeld) and Prof. Dr. Volker Wohlgemuth (HTW Berlin) were involved in the organization of this workshop.

The Lecture Notes on Informatics (LNI) from the EnviroInfo 2022 are available here.


About the EnviroInfo 22

The EnviroInfo 2022 is the 36th edition of the long standing, established international interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental information and communication technologies. Combining and shaping national and international activities in the field of applied informatics and environmental informatics in making the world a better place for living. The EnviroInfo conference series aims at presenting and discussing the latest state-of-the-art development on ICT and environmental related fields.

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